The health benefits of camphor essential oil include its properties as a stimulant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, decongestant, anesthetic, sedative, and nervous pacifier. It also acts as an antineuralgic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and insecticide.
The essential oil of camphor is obtained during the process of extraction of camphor from two types of camphor trees. The first one is the Common Camphor tree, bearing the scientific name Cinnamomum camphora, from which the common camphor is obtained. The second variety is the Borneo Camphor tree, which is where Borneo Camphor is derived; it is scientifically known as Dryobalanops camphora. The camphor oil obtained from both have similar properties, but they differ slightly in aroma and in the concentration of various compounds found in them.
The various components of camphor essential oil are alcohol, borneol, pinene, camphene, camphor, terpene, and safrol.
Health Benefits Of Camphor Essential Oil
Camphor essential oil, apart from having a cool, penetrating and lasting aroma, has many medicinal properties as well, which is explained in greater detail below.
Improves Circulation
Camphor essential oil is an effective stimulant, which boosts the activity of the circulatory system, metabolism, digestion, secretion, and excretion. This property helps in treating problems and ailments associated with improper circulation, digestion, sluggish or overactive metabolic rates, obstructed secretions, and a wide variety of uncommon conditions.
Prevents Skin Infections
Camphor oil is an excellent disinfectant, insecticide, and germicide. It can be added to drinking water to disinfect it, particularly during the summer and in rainy seasons when there is a higher chance of water becoming infected. An open bottle or container of camphor oil, or burning a piece of cloth soaked in camphor oil, drives away insects and kills germs. A drop or two of camphor oil mixed with plenty of food grains helps in keeping them safe from insects. Camphor is also used in many medical preparations such as ointments and lotion to cure skin diseases, as well as bacterial and fungal infections of the skin. When mixed with bathing water, camphor oil disinfects the whole body externally, and also kills lice.
Eliminates Gas
It is very helpful in giving relief for gas trouble. Primarily, it does not let gas form and secondarily, it effectively removes the gases and expels them in a healthy way.
Reduces Nervous Disorders
It acts as a good anesthetic and is very effective for local anesthesia. It causes numbness of the sensory nerves in the area of application. It also reduces the severity of nervous disorders and convulsions, epileptic attacks, nervousness, and chronic anxiety.
Relieves Spasms
It is a very efficient antispasmodic and gives immediate relief from spasms and cramps. It is also effective in curing extreme spasmodic cholera.
Boosts the Libido
Camphor oil, when consumed or eaten, boosts the libido by stimulating those portions of the brain which are responsible for sexual desires. When externally applied, it helps to cure erectile problems by increasing blood circulation in the affected parts, since it is a powerful stimulant.
Relieves Neuralgia
Neuralgia, a severely painful situation is caused when the ninth cranial nerve is impacted due to swelling of the surrounding blood vessels, can be treated using camphor oil. This oil can make the blood vessels contract and thereby reduce pressure on the ninth cranial nerve. This is yet another application of the sedative and soothing properties of this versatile oil