Dried Rabbit Ears - treats, 5, 10, 15 , 100% NATURAL hypoallergenic


Dried Rabbit Ears
perfect for the smaller dog where a pig or cows ear is to big 

 Rabbit Ears - an irresistible dog treat

100% natural air dried treats

Each rabbit ear measures approximately 6-8 inches long

You will get a quantity of whole ears.

Rabbit ears may be a mix of white, brown or black.

The fibre in the rabbit ears is great for bulking up poop and helping to express the anal glands. 

A healthy and clear digestive system maximises absorption of food nutrients via the cell walls.

Please supervise your pet with any new treat or toy

100% Rabbit Ears

A completely Natural guilt free treat to give your dog thats low in both odour and fat. A fantastic treat for dogs with sensitive digestion and allergies. They are high in protein and are great as either a quick snack between meals or to keep your dog busy for hours.

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Low Odour
  • Suitable for sensitive dogs or dogs with allergies
  • High protein content
  • Helps keep your dogs teeth and gums clean and healthy