Naturals Lamb Horns one of natures toothbrushes

£ 4.25

These pure and durable long lasting chews are much less likely to splinter then processed bones, as the chewing grinds the horn down slowly which in turn acts as a natural toothbrush    

Chewing these treats satisfies your dog's urge to chew and provides an acceptable outlet for bored or stressed dogs - chewing releases endorphons which help to relax stressed dogs.

With low fat content, our Lamb Horns are suitable for dogs with pancreatitis or who are on a low fat diet for any reason.

Odour free, they will not become sticky or slimy.

Contain Only 100% Lamb.

· NO Artificial Colourings

· NO Artificial Fragrances

· NO Artificial Flavours

· NO Preservatives

· NO Additives

Gluten Free Treats

100% Natural..They're Naturally Better


Nutritional Analysis

Protein 68%, Fat 9.9%, Ash 7%

"For Supervised Chewing Only"